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Paramount Insulation

Commanding leading demand in strategic sectors like refrigeration, air-conditioning, and cold duct insulation, Paramount’s range of products are built on the motto of ‘Think Green, Build Green, Use Green’.

S. NoPropertiesStandardTechnical Details
1Material Oxide Acetate Foam
2Cell Structure Closed cell, Crossed Linked, Stress Crack Resistant
3Physical Appearance Soft, Flexible & Glossy
4DensityJIS K676730 +_3 kg/m3
5Color Black
6Service Temperature RangeUsing Climate Chamber-70 Deg C To100 Deg C
7Ultra Violet Ray Impact Negative, Bare Foam is UV resistive
8Thermal ConductivityIS 3346/19800.029 W/MK at 0 Deg C
9Fire Test
Surface Spread of Flame
Fire Propagation Index
BS 476 PART 7
BS 476 PART 6
Class 1
Class O
10Fungal ResistantASTM G-21Negative (No growth observed)
11Bacteria ResistanceASTM G-22Negative (No growth observed)
12Mold GrowthIS 3144:1992Negative (No growth observed)
13AgeingASTM C 177No Impact of ageing
14Overall Migration TestIS 9845 – 1998Negligible effect of acids & alkalis
15Water absorptionJIS K6767 – 19760.002 G/Cm 2
16Compressive StrengthASTM D 3575 – 9130 KPA
17Elongation BreakJIS K 6767 – 1976200 – 250 %
18Tear StrengthJIS K 6767 – 19762.5 KN/M
19Tensile StrengthJIS K 6767 – 1976450 KPA
20HardnessJIS C15-20 Degree